Who List

The who list enables you to see users in the network you are connected .

Enter any optional parameters , that match the names you like to see . For example , entering W* as a parameter will force the server to return you only names that start with W .

Press OK , and after a while you get the who list .

The server will not return you people that are invisible ( have +i in their channel mode ) and you are not in a channel that they are in . Except of course , if you are an operator or an administrator .

You may select one or more users and do them a specific action . For example , you may want to talk to 2 of them , just select them and press "query" . The same for whois . If you need to do any other action to them , for example inviting them , enter the command without the / sign in the other box and press other . For example : INVITE %s #myroom . For each nick , %s will be replaced with the nick .

Double clicking on an item issues a /query command .

Warning : Some servers do not allow mass actions to users , for example DO NOT try to INVITE all your who list in your channel . Doing this may result in kill or ban from the server !

See also :

Channel List